Slope Greening
Raito’s slope greening techniques are based on shotcrete technology. Seeds and plant-base materials consisting of organic soil or composted plant residue are sprayed onto the slope surface using shotcrete equipment to protect the surface from erosion and improve landscape. It may be required to stabilize slope surface in advance by installing the fiber reinforced soil. Raito’s Roving Wall method and All Greening method are used for this purpose. By using these techniques, exposed natural rock and shotcrete surface will be revegetated. Slope greening is often applied together with ground anchor/soil nail and shotcrete grid beam system. Grasses and shrubs will cover the concrete structure and restore the landscape.

Download for More Details
- ROVING WALL – Continuous Fiber Reinforced Soil (PDF:778KB)
- ROVING WALL – Application Example (PDF:1.10MB)
- ALL GREENING – Fiber-Reinforced Soil (PDF:963KB)
- ALL GREENING – Application Example (PDF:700KB)
- Advances In Sprayed Fibre Soil Application (PDF:1.05MB)